
Investor Relations


The Christian Business Network is a for-profit enterprise dedicated to helping Christian professionals maximize their potential to prosper in their profession and helping Christian organizations maximize their potential to accomplish their Kingdom mission.

CBN has a 20-year track record and is well-positioned to become the global leader in enabling Christian professionals to connect, communicate, collaborate, congregate, and share valuable resources in the global marketplace. It is impossible for networking platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Meetup to meet the pressing demands of most Christian professionals due to many factors which we have addressed.

Therefore, we have decided to develop a fully-customized and state-of-the-art Professional Engagement Platform that will address virtually every need they have to ensure their professional growth and success. We are currently in the early stages of development and have already assembled a team of experienced professionals who are passionate about this project. We are very confident that we have the necessary skills and experience to make this platform a huge success!

We have assembled the following assets for review by prospective investors:

We are seeking to partner with private equity and angel investors for initial investments of $2,000,000 in order to complete phase one of this platform as well as to begin adding mission-critical extensions that would dramatically increase its value to members.

We invite you to CONTACT US if you're interested in learning more about this truly amazing investment opportunity.